Wills, Power of Attorney & Advance Care Directives


A Will is a document that is painless and quick for you to prepare but can save a lot of hassle for your loved ones who would already be grieving your loss. No-one likes talking about death, but it’s important to know where your assets will go and that your wishes be complied with. A Will is a document that outlines where your assets at the time of your death will go.

Important people in a Will to consider:

EXECUTORS – these people need to be over 18 at the time of making the Will and be someone you trust. They will be the person or people responsible for distributing the assets as you have instructed.

BENEFICIARIES – are the people who are going to inherit your assets, they do not need to be over 18 at the time of making the Will.

I already have a Will

  • This may be the case but are your executors still the people you would trust?
  • Are your children older now or have things changed in your relationships?
  • Have you divorced, remarried or even had more kids?
  • Has someone in the Will mentioned died and changes the scenario?

If any of these apply then you should update your Will.

Wills are charged at a fixed rate and may differ in cost depending on the complexity of the Will and time involved in preparing it. Our desire is to discuss this with you first, prepare the Will and then allow a time for you to sign it with us. 

Power of Attorney

Sometimes unfortunately people suffer a mental incapacity through illness or injury and can’t make their own legal decisions.  To protect yourself from the decisions being made by the wrong people you have the ability to elect your Attorney, they will step into your “shoes” and make all financial decisions on your behalf if you are unable to. You can also elect an Attorney in the case that you are physically unable to get somewhere.
It is a painless document to prepare but just an important safeguard for you and your loved ones.  It is difficult enough as it is when someone is unable to make their own decisions, you do not want legal red tape getting in the way.  Save yourself the hassle and discuss this with us.  Fixed rates apply.

 Advance Care Directives

This deals with your health and lifestyle wishes if you suffer a mental or a physical incapacity and cannot communicate your wishes yourself.  This allows your elected person to ensure that your wishes are heard.
You may want your pet in the room when you pass away, you may prefer to have certain treatments but not others, this document is an Advance Care Directive and allows people to follow it according to your wishes.  It will take affect whilst you are alive but unable to communicate your wishes. We can prepare this document for you at a fixed rate.  Call us to discuss. There also could be a package to suit your needs.

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